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We recommend you eat at least one to two hours before your appointment. Something full of protein with vegetables is a good choice. Load up on some extra carbs, you know, the good stuff like pasta, rice, bread, and oatmeal. That will help keep your energy up and appetite satisfied. Don’t overload on sugar before getting your tattoo, as much as you may want that energy drink or that second cup of coffee, it may make you jittery and the last thing you want is to have the shakes while someone is permanently drawing on your skin. Drink plenty of water! Hydrated skin takes to the ink better than dry, thirsty skin. Hydrated skin starts from the inside out. Don't consume alcohol hours before your appointment. Alcohol dehydrates you and thins your blood — and the last thing you want during your tattoo is to excessively bleed. But don’t worry, seeing a little blood is totally OK and normal. Plan to wear comfortable clothes, especially if your appointment is for a long period of time. Pack your headphones if you'd like and make sure your phone is charged. You can bring snacks as well. We recommend bringing a bottle of water, but we do provide water and beverages here. Follow these tips to make your experience the best. Your health and safety matter most to all of us here at True To You Tattoo.
To get tattooed in Florida, the legal age is 18 years old. However, a minor aged 16 or 17 is eligible to get a tattoo if:
Anyone getting tattooed must be able to provide government issued identification.
CLICK HERE: to download the Minor Consent form provided by the Florida Department of Health before your appointment. This document must be printed, filled out , signed and notarized by the time of your appointment if you are under the age of 18.
Tattoos are a lifelong commitment and require some special care to keep them looking good for many years to come. These are the aftercare instructions that we recommend. These instructions should be followed strictly, if not it could lead to infection in your amazing new piece of art!
When you leave the studio, your tattoo will be covered with a protective plastic barrier. If you don't have any known allergies to adhesive then we will recommend you have your tattoo covered in a recovery film. This should stay on for at minimum 24hrs and up to 5 days. It is normal for this to fill up with fluid, as this aids in the healing process. However if you did not receive the recovery film, then we recommend keeping your tattoo wrapped in the cling wrap that was provided for at least 2-3 hours after your appointment.
The outer layers of skin should completely heal by the end of week three. The inner layers of skin can take longer to heal. However, they require much less care. The final stage of healing can be slow, and requires patience. Most of the larger scabs will have flaked and fallen away by now. Small scabs and bits of dead skin may appear. However, these will also clear up as the healing process continues. Moisturizing regularly in the months following will help keep the tattoo looking bright and clear. Protecting the tattoo from the sun with clothing while it is healing, and applying sunscreen after it has healed, is especially important in the first few months and for the longevity of your tattoo.
Following our instructions on self-care is often your best line of defense against infection and poor healing. An infected tattoo will be warm, inflamed, and painful to the touch. The skin may also ooze pus or have a rash. Anyone experiencing a rash or oozing pus on or around a tattoo should visit a doctor, who can identify and treat you properly. You may also wish to contact your tattoo artist which is completely okay. Feel free to call us anytime during business hours with any questions or concerns. We are here for you! Your health and safety matter most to us!
Tattoos are safe as long as you get tattooed in a Licensed Tattoo Studio by a Licensed & Certified Artist.
Yes, tattoos hurt. However, everyone's pain tolerance is different, and different areas of the body may be more sensitive than others.
We do not offer numbing creams at True To You Tattoo. We do not recommend in the use of them, as they make your skin rubber like and more difficult to tattoo, however if you must, please consult your artist of this concern before getting tattooed and they will point you in the right direction of creams to get.
It is not necessary to take pain killers, but if you feel you will need to, we recommend taking Ibuprofen after your appointment for pain and swelling.
Tattoos range in price due to many different things, artist, detail, color, black and grey, cover ups, size and placement.
Your best option is stop in the studio for a consult with your artist and discuss budget and pricing for the piece that you are getting.
No. You should not get tattooed while you are sick or, if you are on antibiotics or medication. You want to be 100% healthy and off any antibiotics or medication before you get tattooed. We are very understanding and are happy to re-schedule your appointment if you are sick. Your health and safety and the health and safety of our staff matter most to us!
Tips are not required, but they are greatly appreciated!